How long does gabapentin stays in your system

Gabapentin basically treats seizures. It is a condition where an individual feels an uncontrollable electrical sensation in the brain. These sensations result in shivering,restlessness and constant urge to move body parts. Gabapentin also treats Shingles. Shingles are painful rashes that occur due to the remaining dormant chicken pox. Those who once suffered from chicken pox might get Shingles in future. To understand the activeness of the drug in the human body it is necessary to understand how long the drug stays  in the body. Moreover The activeness of Gabapentin is different in different individuals.


Half Life of Gabapentin refers to the time duration required for half the drug to leave the body. Gabapentin needs about five half lives to be completely metabolized from the body. It can be estimated that it takes about 5-7 hours for Gabapentin to be eliminated completely from the body. However this time increases if the patient suffers from any such diseases that slows the metabolism level and longer the process of releasing the drug. The factors that affect the elimination time of Gabapentin from human body are:-


     Gabapentin takes 52 hours to completely drain from the patient's body dealing with kidney problems. Kidney helps the drug to get out of the body. For such a reason proper kidney function is mandatory for the drug to release easily. A defective or impared kidney will take about seven times more time to leave the body. Moreover it takes more time to Eliminate from the body for the patients dealing with dialysis.



     Age is another factor which determines the duration for the drug to leave the body. It has been reported that younger people have better kidney functioning than elders and due to such a reason it takes older people more time to release the drug as compared to younger people. It is evident that the drug loses its activeness in younger people due to their better kidney functioning.


     Drugs taken along with Gabapentin also show some reactions that fluctuate the time of the drug's activeness in the body. Different drugs react differently with Gabapentin. Some increased the time of elimination while others increased it. It depends on the drug composition and their functions in the body. Drugs like naproxen which is an over the counter pain reliever, cimetidine for stomach acid  etc are the drugs to increase the time for Gabapentin to get out of the body. Antacid like maalox reduces the absorption of the drug in the human body.


Many patients are afraid of the fact that Gabapentin may show up in their medical test results. Firstly they need to know that it's completely normal and legal. Gabapentin is not an illegal drug and can be used if required. However even if the test is done then the presence of Gabapentin can be identified from urine, hair and Saliva test. The drug remains present in urine for 2-4 days. Moreover, Gabapentin tests are not done frequently as the drug is legal and even if it's done, it's done on special orders.


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